Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I Remembered What My Mom Said...

I know, I know… I haven’t been great at keeping up with this blog. Life has gotten in the way. Well in all honesty my hands have been full. It’s been a year since I last posted something. I even had a list of topics I wanted to write about. I might post them later.
You see a few months after my last post I found out I was pregnant. Also, my last post was during my second to last semester at college. So in under a year I crammed in finishing school, moving and having babies.
No, that wasn’t a typo. Four months ago my husband and I were given two babies, twins, a boy and a girl. They came a little too early and that provided its own challenges, but I won’t go into, at least right now.
They are home and doing fantastic!
What I want write about is a funny little experience I had not long after our twins were born.
Since our babies came a little too early they had to spend some time in the hospital to get ready to face the world. And due to that fact we did a lot of commuting for a few weeks from home to the hospital.
It was on one of these commuting trips that this event I am getting to occurred.
My husband and I were driving back home after spending some time in the hospital with our children were driving alongside a school bus when I looked up and saw a boy, no older than twelve scowling at me while he was flipping me off.
I knew the boy was looking for a reaction and that he was trying to appear tough, like all boys try to do. I thought about how to respond when I remembered my mom telling me years ago, “When someone flips you off on the road or is rude give  them the I love you sign or the peace sign.”
So that’s what I did!
I gave the boy a smile and held up the “I love you” sign and held it there while the boy held his scowl and kept up his middle finger for several long moments. It was like a silent competition.
I won.
The boy put down his hand and a bashful smile came over his face ad he turned back around. His plan was thwarted.
It made me smile how the moment turned out.

I could have gotten mad at the boy flipping me off and complain about, “the children of today.” But I tried something different and fought fire with a little bit of kindness.

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