Monday, January 2, 2012

New Start Each Day!

I once gave an advice to someone who was worried about some things in their life, "You know the thing about our pasts is that is not who we are now."
With this new year upon us now I am thinking a lot about the future and some on the past, what I didn't' in the past year, and years previous. I wasn't who I was when 2011 start and hopefully when 2012 ends I won't be that same person.
During my Junior year in high school I had read this very interest book, Siddhartha. The book goes through choices one man makes with his life. Well, while reading this book for my English class the discussion came up about how choices change us, making us different people each day. When we wake up in the morning we weren't the same person yesterday because we have new experiences, made more choices, have more memories.
Well, with New Year, I and everyone else, we have the oppurtunity to become even different than last year, even more better. The thing is when we enter into the desire to better ourselves we have let go of the past and move forward.
Quoting Rafiki from the Lion King, "Yes the past can hurt, but the way I see you can run from it or learn from it!"
Often when we try to change the past likes to sneak up on us and grab us by the ankles, for whatever reason. It's different for all of us. But this morning I watched a video that explains my thoughts in a unique way. This video got me thinking about this subject. It was a good way to start out the day!