I have had two things on my mind the last few days.
The first one is that a recent realization that I've have (that predates this semester) is that as an adult the the idea of summer break and weekends are just a break in the work/school routine to get in a different type of work done.
Those once cherished summer breaks where is was free game in what you could do. Those quick breaks of weekends... gone as I have grown older. Sure I have had fun but now weekends are to get caught up on homework, summer breaks will now be gone since I am going to school year round. Even before thatthose longs breaks consisted of summer jobs. (which for me usually consisted of watching my little sister so my dad didn't have to pay for a sitter)
I don't mean to sound like a downer but what I have come to see is those moments were there isn't homework, and there is those fun moments in summer then they become so much better. To me they are a reward for getting done what needed to be done. They make doing fun things as a family a treasure.
This weekend's plans for me is homework. I have a lot to get done and get caught up in. But tonight I am going to have a reward by going to a haunted corn maze with some friends. The break from the work I know will be well enjoyed!
Now the other thing that has been on my mind is the walls I have been hitting in my writing. One of my goals in life is to be a published author. My mind is always full and buzzing with ideas. But those ideas haven't really gone anywhere lately. I get a seed of an idea starts and then it doesn't sprout into much. It's kind of annoying really.
So instead being frustrated by it I've taken a bit of a break from writing and I am letting those ideas sit for awhile until they are ready to grow.
What I have been doing instead of writing is working on another skill I haven't touched in a while, drawing. I am no great artist, nothing like my oldest brother who is amazing! I have just come to love art and drawing is something I enjoys and that I have been able to improve upon throughout the years.
It's been kind of fun working with my hands and creating a visual thing instead of something with words.
I think it is one of my better drawings. My weakness in drawing is the nose. I have a hard time making them look realistic. But that is what practice is for!
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