Close friendships between girls tends to be very motherly with one another. (or at least from what I've seen)
What I mean is when a close friend is sick we play the mother part and tell them to go to the doctor or pamper them until they feel better, just as a mother would do. When our close friend is having a bad day we are there to try and cheer them up until they are in a better mood. When they need advice we are there to give it to the best of our abilities.
Last night after my Improv-comedy group ended a new friend of mind asked if I would walk home with her (she lives just down the street from me). I agreed and as we walked home my new friend began to talk about things that were on her mind, mainly about guys. I didn't know what I could tell her to help since my success rate with guys is ummm... lets see... 0%. Yet I did my best and I hope something I said helped.
Also last night one friend, Ali, that have known for about 12 years now and is her first year at college here, popped in for a visit me and our mutual friend Cayla (the one I consider my sister and is my roommate). It was a fun time. None of us got any homework done, or anything else that we planned on doing but we had fun!
This morning I got up to go to Spanish and Ali got up and came with me and sat outside my class and did her Spanish homework (her Spanish class was right after mine). Yet before we left Ali took a blanket from up stairs and put the blanket over, in motherly way, Cayla who crashed on the couch last night while Ali slept in her bed.
Seeing this reminded me of how how often mothers care for their child. It reminded me how when my little sister would crash in the car on long car trips and when she was little and when we arrived home I would carry her inside and lay her bed and cover her with her blankets.
In Genesis 2:18 God says "It's not good for man to be alone..."
I know he was specifically was talking about Adam and making him a spouse, Eve. But if we expand that idea that God never meant for us to feel alone or try and cut off ourselves from people. When we come into this world we do in families not just pop in somewhere alone. We are taught about life in families. We seek friendship almost naturally. So why not seek the company people since God made it that way and has advised us, "It's not good for man to be alone."
It's not that we have to always be surrounded by people to get through life. Moments where you are by yourself to think is more than fine, I do that often. Just remember you have loved ones around you who are willing to help if you let them.
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