I found that I not the best girl to take to scary things. While most guys take girls to haunted houses or scary movies so the girl will cling to them, not me.
Growing up my brothers made sure I wasn't scared of much. This is was began from one incident years and years ago. One brother turned my room into a haunted house one year. Others things that followed were the telling of scary stories, playing "Bloody Mary" in the bathroom. Bloody Mary was a myth that if you went into a dimly lit bathroom flick water on the mirror and turn about three times while saying "Bloody Mary" each time you turned you would see Bloody Mary when you looked at the mirror again. This however may have frighten me as a little girl but of course nothing happen except for my either brother sneeking up behind me and startling me. The lastthing my brothers raised me on to take away me being scared of things was watching the old Nickelodeon TV show called "Are you Afraid of the Dark?" with them. At times they even tried to scare me in various ways.
I've noticed that when a girl has brothers like me the sister either ends up being more on the scared side or like me not afraid of much.
When I got older i enjoyed scary things. My brother's work was well done. When I was about 10 it began to be a tradition with my dad and I, until I was 13, to go to varies haunted houses every October.
Over time scary movies didn't scare me, I wasn't frighten by haunted houses. I will admit that I get startled at times but I don't have that heart pounding, fearing for my life fear in these situations. Over time I stopped going to haunted houses because it was like watching a movie I saw too many times.
My fears are not the kind you don't find in Haunted Houses.
Though many times my dad and I have talked about making our own haunted house. From all the many kinds we went to we know what makes people the most scared and frightens many of them.
But back to what I blame my brothers for...
My apartment was invited by guy friend from our church here to go to a haunted straw maze. He invited a few other apartments to go to this straw maze so there were a few people I got to meet and got to know in the maze.
At the maze my guy friend found out that I was the least entertaining girl to invite to something scary. The whole reason he invited girls was to watch them get scared and scream their hearts out. But for me I was the most calm next to my guy friend of mine. I am certain he was rather disappointed about this.
I did enjoy the maze a bit. It was fun going through this maze which was more like a labyrinth.
There was also entertaining monsters. There was one clown that was on stilts so he stood about eight feet tall. There was one scarecrow that had a whistle that kind of sounded like a scream. But one monster that looked like a green zombie was annoying more than scary. He would get in people's faces and stay there for several seconds and hiss. I have a bit of a bubble and I don't like it when people get in my face. It doesn't scare me it annoys me. I like my space. Several times throughout our time in the maze we ran into this annoying zombie and every time we met up with him she would get in my face and hiss. This happen no less than four times.
I got home about 11 and didn't get to bed until midnight. This has been the latest I have even been out this semester. I felt sociable! ;)
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