Last night, at the last Improv show of the semester (I am in an improv group called Academy of Comedy) I got called a freshman twice! I have passed my college freshman year of college years ago. The thing is I just happen to be friends with the freshman girls in the improv group. It also so happens that most of the girls in the group are freshman!

In my family when you are being silly of goofy you are called a "Dork". To many outside of my family that may seem like an insult, something you don't call people you love. That is just how my family is. We love each other, we drive each other crazy like all other families, but we love being sarcastic and being silly at times! Dork has some how turned into a term of endearment almost (using endearment for lack of a better word).
Anywho! I was kind of hyper and crazy last night. I think my boyfriend can testify to that. I was a bit off the wall when I was talking to him on the phone after the improv show. But man, I was having fun!
My theory about all this comes from a quote I think you'll find amusing... I found a quote from Bugs Bunny that says, "Life is no laughing matter, but can you imagine life without it."Yes, there is a time and place to be crazy and silly. Yet there is a time and place to be serious. Just because I am in my-twenties doesn't mean I have to stop having fun, laughing till my sides hurt with my friends, dance to music in my living room (or in an improv show). Just because I am in college, an aunt, a role model to the little and younger ones in my family doesn't mean I have to be stiff and borning, dull as Ben Stein, plain as plank of wood. No!
I enjoy my moments of being a silly girl, of being a dork! It's part of living!
This is not the point I am trying to make.
Something I realized last night and some of this morning is I enjoy being silly and crazy at times.
In my family when you are being silly of goofy you are called a "Dork". To many outside of my family that may seem like an insult, something you don't call people you love. That is just how my family is. We love each other, we drive each other crazy like all other families, but we love being sarcastic and being silly at times! Dork has some how turned into a term of endearment almost (using endearment for lack of a better word).
Anywho! I was kind of hyper and crazy last night. I think my boyfriend can testify to that. I was a bit off the wall when I was talking to him on the phone after the improv show. But man, I was having fun!

I know God has a sense of humor. If he didn't he wouldn't have put the ability in us to laugh and to have laughter bring such pure joy when you share a funny moment with friends and family. Yet, as a reminder silliness has it's place and time, I do have the ability to be serious and take life serious, classes serious. But if I was like that all the time, life would dull and I wouldn't be myself.
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